- You can use these shoes for as road running shoes and off- road running shoes suitable for rough terrains as well. The aggressive outsole enable the runners to have optimum traction even on slippery gravel and rock surfaces
- Extremely comfortable material , It is nice affordable shoes for everyday use, or wedding .This unique design and stylish shoes is to maximize your fashion at the fairest price possible
- These casual sport shoes are statement makers and enhance your look.
- Light weight for better comfort, offers superior cushioning, strong durability,
- supreme flexibility ease of molding and enhanced performance.
- The shoe has high tensile strength,
- high coefficient of friction and good ventilation properties.
- The colorful uppers which come in wide rage of color combination adds a lot to the sporty look.
- Closure: Lace-Up | Shoe Width: Medium
- Fabric/Material:- BREATHABLE MESH
- Upper Sole: MESH, Lower Sole: PU
- Pattern: Plain
- Product Type: CASUAL SHOES
- Colors: BLACK
- Sizes Available: 6/39, 7/40, 8/41, 9/42, 10/43, 11/44
Product details of Men's Running Shoes Summer Mesh Genuine Breathable Mesh Shoes

Specifications of Men's Running Shoes Summer Mesh Genuine Breathable Mesh Shoes
Jaf Spot
Not Specified
Age Range
What’s in the box
1x pair sneakers